

Animals such as rats and mice can produce damage to the human environment and can spread dangerous diseases. These animals can consume different types of materials and destroy most of them. They can destroy materials such as lead pipes and other structures made out of soft materials, wood, electric cables, etc. They can also consume or damage stored food.

It is true that the public use of rat poison is an acceptable form to remove rats and mice; but rat poison as the only control mean is insufficient, besides implying health risks and environmental concerns. Therefore the implantation of a deratisation plan (situation, diagnosis, starring plan, and evaluation) must be executed by qualified professionals that rationalize the use of rodenticides, according to the strategies of “Integrated control of pest” and the principles of “Good practices in the plans DDD”. With a good strategy of deratisation and the rodent control you can always be in peace that you will never find these animals in your facilities.

In SEDESA BIOCONTROL we always commit to perform a specific plan of deratisation for your establishment through a study that will allow us to select a plan that adjusts to your case with the purpose of obtaining a complete elimination of rodents and prevent from new infestations.